Our team

Mr. Shrikrishna Upadhyay

Founder Chairperson

Short biography

Educational Qualification:  Master of Economics from North Carolina State University and a Master of Commerce from Tribhuvan University

Email Address:  shrikrishna.upadhyay@yahoo.com

Professional Profile: “Shrikrishna Upadhyay, Initiator, Support Activities for Poor Producers of Nepal (SAPPROS). Shrikrishna Upadhyay was born in June 1945. He was educated in the U.S. and gained an MS in Economics. Serving as chairman of the board and general manager of the Agricultural Development Bank of Nepal (1982-1990) and as a member of the National Planning Commission of Nepal (1990-1993). Upadhyay’s experience has been recognized internationally in the form of invitations to act as a consultant for an agricultural credit review in Bangladesh (for the Asian Development Bank), irrigation management in Thailand, rural institutions in Nepal and local governance in Mongolia (UN Development Programme), and community development and integrated crop and food production in Afghanistan. He was a member of the Independent SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) Commission on Poverty organised by heads of state of the region in 1991. A strong advocate of local self-governance, Upadhyay has strengthened Nepalese communities despite the violent political conflict in the country. His untiring and persistent social contribution has privileged him with the ‘Right Livelihood Award 2010’ known as ‘Alternative Nobel Prize.’
He has initiated ‘Make Nepal Green’ campaign in Nepal and already organized two international learning conferences on it. Make Nepal Green is an amalgamation of the implementation of organic agriculture, renewable energy, information communication technology, and eco-tourism. the idea has been endorsed by the government of Nepal and being implemented in different parts of Nepal. The implementations have resulted in tremendous progress for all stakeholders, especially the poor, thereby widening the production and consumption markets.”