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Mr. Krishna Raj Aryal

Food Security and Livelihood Expert

Short biography

Educational Qualification: Master’s in Agriculture

Email Address: krishna.aryal@sappros.org.np

Professional Profile: “Mr. Aryal is a highly competent professional with over 20 years of experience in community development, including livelihoods, food security, poverty reduction, green agriculture, and relief and recovery projects across Nepal. He has implemented numerous inclusive livelihood projects, facilitating income-generating activities based on climate-smart agriculture and productive community infrastructures. He has demonstrated expertise in working with diverse communities and stakeholders, respecting their values and needs. His extensive experience emphasizes the implementation of innovative technology, capacity building, and effective training delivery.
Mr. Aryal has experience extends his expertise in implementing projects funded by DANIDA, the World Bank, IFAD, UNWFP, FCDO, MCA-Nepal, CECI.”