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Dr. Ek Raj Ojha

Executive Director

Short biography

Educational Qualification: PhD and MSc in Rural and Regional Development Planning

Email Address:  ekraj.ojha@sappros.org.np

Professional Profile: Dr. Ojha earned PhD and MSc in Rural and Regional Development Planning from AIT, Bangkok, 1995 and 1990, respectively, and BSc (Agriculture) from UAS, Bangalore, 1984. He holds 40 years of prolific experience serving various renowned national and international academic and developmental organizations in Nepal and abroad. The major fields include community/rural/global sustainable development; human settlements planning; conservation and development of highland ecosystems; development/environmental/managerial economics; human and natural resources management. Dr. Ojha has authored seven books and many articles, travelled widely, and presented papers at major international/world conferences. He received the World Who Is Who Medal, 2000, “for contributions made as a talented achiever in the field of ecosystem and human society development,” from Who’s Who Institute, California, and scholarships from ADB, AIT, CIDA, Colombo Plan, GIZ, Government of Japan, IUB, and WBI for his outstanding academic performances/records.