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Dr. Arun Raj Kunwar


Short biography

Educational Qualification: M.D. is the first Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist of Nepal

Email Address: arunkunwar@yahoo.com

Professional Profile: Dr. Arun Raj Kunwar, M.D. is the first Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist of Nepal. Prior to his engagement in the field, child and adolescent mental health (CAMH) services were non-existent in Nepal. In last decade he has managed to establish the first CAMH outpatient services and he has been instrumental in establishing first CAMH Unit which will also be hosting first CAMH inpatient unit of Nepal. His vision hasn’t been limited to treatment but overall development of CAMH field. He has managed to develop CAMH community program that will take CAMH to the community possibly to all over Nepal. This innovative program specifically targeting CAMH problems is the first of its kind in LMC (Low and middle income countries) like Nepal. He has worked with schools and has developed “Life Skills Program” for schools which has been piloted and in expansion phase. He has worked with the Gov. of Nepal and advocated strongly for the better MH (mental health) for C&As who are in Juvenile detention centres all over Nepal. He has been in the forefront of MH disaster management for C&A.  His team has developed a manual for the management of COVID 19 related stress for C&A which is currently rolled out all over Nepal. He also helped establish first suicide helpline in Nepal.  He is the founding editor of (initiated and established) “Journal of Psychiatrists’ Association of Nepal”. He is also the former President of Psychiatrics’ Association of Nepal.